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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Unconcerned \Un`con*cerned"\, a. Not concerned; not anxious or solicitous; easy in mind; carelessly secure; indifferent; as, to be unconcerned at what has happened; to be unconcerned about the future. -- Un`con*cern"ed*ly, adv. -- Un`con*cern"ed*ness, n.

Happy mortals, unconcerned for more.


adv. In an unconcerned manner.


adv. in an unconcerned manner; "war was breaking out in Europe, but she unconcernedly planned for a holiday"

Usage examples of "unconcernedly".

There was my cabin, a meter above my head, with my plasmic and light clinging unconcernedly to what was from my perspective a sheer wall.

They returned late the following morning, and an hour later El Djebel wandered unconcernedly into the camp in search of food and water.

And yet his friend Pompey, whom he adored and knew to be so kind, could toss his beautiful mane of yellow hair unconcernedly back from his temples and whistle happily through his teeth as he picked his way between the deep congealed pools of flyblown blood in the square, his beautiful blue eyes containing nothing save approval as they roamed across the literal hills of headless bodies all around him.

The woman led the way unconcernedly down the Stair, across the smooth dark floor, turning aside to avoid walking on the odd granite slab, although her goala bin of dried appleslay directly opposite the foot of the stairs, and the odd slab was in no way raised above the level of the rest of the floor.

Jonathan had the rifle to his shoulder, sighting, waiting until Mars saw the white wolf trot unconcernedly from behind the spruce in the center of the yard.

Stepping unconcernedly between the gigantic legs of the pachyderms, they busied themselves scooping up piles of dung the size of wheels of cheese from Arpinum.

I could not see the window, but I saw the light in the garret, and rats of a fearful size, which walked unconcernedly about it.

He had to sit unconcernedly, "not knowing" what was being said until Arrhae thought to activate her translator, and hoping that H'daen didn't notice they had already been talking without it.

He couldn’t have stood there so unconcernedly disclaiming knowledge in front of us if he’d known that the something that had happened was our being shot.

You saunter unconcernedly and wear a little half-smile, like you know all sorts of secrets that these poor fools around you don't, because they're not half so important and close to the crown as you are.

Many of those who had gone on drinking unconcernedly while Heroux went about his business in the Silver Dollar were in the necktie party that strung him up.

The captain caught it and put it unconcernedly into his pocket while Rossel stared in disgust.

Michael Strogoff unconcernedly watched the bustle which occurs at all quays on the arrival of a steam vessel.