vb. To remove complications.
Usage examples of "uncomplicate".
It was a relief to get back to the Accident Room, and because there was a sudden rush on, find herself helping one of the housemen with some uncomplicated arm plasters.
Heart clots were very common, if not universally present, in cases of ulceration of the intestinal mucous membrane, while in the uncomplicated cases of diarrhea and scurvy, the blood was fluid and did not coagulate readily, and the heart clots and fibrous concretions were almost universally absent.
If all are such as you, cousina peacock-pretty pederast with a voice like a girl and no more body hair than the boy children you beat and abuse, with less courage than a baby mousethen mayhap a mainland ruled by clean, normal, courageous, and uncomplicated barbarians would make for better neighbors.
He shrugged, as if that was all, as if it were just as simple and as uncomplicated as that.
His aspirations were simple and uncomplicated, so he was rarely disappointed and often amazed at the surprises life sprang on him.
From the first the old man had struck Huddy as a simple, uncomplicated type.
Three years of uncomplicated enjoyment had crumbled to disillusionment.
The girl had a special place in her affections, for apart from being open and uncomplicated, she had a very lovable personality, one that was sunny, cheerful, and perennially optimistic, and she was a dynamic girl, filled with enthusiasm for life and her work.
He took an uncomplicated delight in the endless death and destruction, savoring it as a banquet of many courses.
Life was never uncomplicated, but all he needed now was something like this to happen, for his brother, who seemed to be able to get the entire female population of Ireland to fancy him, to move in on the happiest marriage in the Western world - that of Cathy and Neil Mitchell.
They were loud, uncomplicated fun, but he generally wanted them to leave in the morning.
Usually, his relationships with women were Uncomplicated affairs that lasted until he--or she--was ready to move on.
He's spent forty years or so complicating and uncomplicating legal decisions.