a. Not requested or intended, unintentional
Usage examples of "uncommanded".
The sense of pre existence the confused idea that these occurrences have thus happened to us before which is so often and strongly felt, is explicable partly by the supposition of some sudden and obscure mixture of associations, some discordant stroke on the keys of recollection, jumbling together echoes of bygone scenes, snatches of unremembered dreams, and other hints and colors in a weird and uncommanded manner.
She thought it unlikely that a flight attendant would know about uncommanded slats deployment.
He finds it is up and locked, which is puzzling, since it means he has an uncommanded slats deploy .
She could feel the working of her hand, a detached, automatic thing, uncommanded by her brain.
Then, at sunset, still uncommanded and scarce noticed, they return to the city and to the slave-pens for feeding.
The men flushed and raised their eyes to stare fixedly at their own girls as if nonchalantly, yet would their eyes flick uncommanded to the side.
There was something strangely exasperating, as well as strangely wearying, in these uncommanded evolutions.
Throughout the war loquacious generals, who were not employed at the front, harped at home on that alarm, supremely ignorant of and indifferent to the unbroken experience of the world and the teaching of naval history, that military invasion across an uncommanded sea is an utter impossibility.
If forces of this order could be added to the French army already in North Africa, with proper air support, the Germans would have to make a very difficult and costly campaign across uncommanded waters to subdue North Africa.