vb. 1 (context transitive English) To eliminate clutter from. 2 (context intransitive English) To eliminate clutter.
Usage examples of "unclutter".
Lesser known than others, it is small and easily missed, but the uncluttered shore and lagoon-forming cliffs have made it my favorite spot to relax.
It was the escape route they would use, close so it could be reached quickly and uncluttered by shops and stalls so there would be no traffic to impede them.
I mean he really does ask toughish questions and, you know me, I like the canvas to be uncluttered with little problems.
Everything here was clean, uncluttered, unadorned and utterly satisfying in its Spartan rigor.
Forcing the unwanted vision aside, she greeted the men, crossed to her uncluttered desk and deposited her first latte of the day and her shoulder bag.
It was indeed very small but extremely cosy, the furniture was simple and uncluttered and someone had put a bowl of hyacinths on the little table by one of the two easy chairs.
At last she sat back, hands on her knees, and she spoke, in a voice brown and ancient, its unruly syllables echoing back to spare uncluttered things, to beginnings.
The rest of the bedroom was predictably uncluttered, as was her bathroom, but when I opened her bedroom closet, I was stunned--and then I laughed out loud.
Killing him had burned me down to a pure, uncluttered core, to my essence.
Your body and your mind need to be clear, uncluttered, for what lies ahead.
Paks glanced at it, and saw on its uncluttered surface a little red stone horse strung on a thong, and a Girdish medallion on a chain.
As before, the Sanders wrappings were as uncluttered as gold bricks and the slanting autumn sunlight drew fire from the diamond knuckle-dusters.
The road was better than most, uncracked and therefore uncluttered by weeds or grass, even though rural highways received no maintenance from Earthservice.
Slowly and painfully, he stretched out on the other, uncluttered bed, and I noticed that he was looking very green at the edges.
And he unquestionably should be able to live a life uncluttered by such insistent trifles as clothing conventions, unfunctional chivalries, psychic turmoils and dangerous mental and physical escapes into what the psychologists call romances.