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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Unclean \Un*clean"\, a. [AS. uncl?ne. See Unnot, and Clean.]

  1. Not clean; foul; dirty; filthy.

  2. Ceremonially impure; needing ritual cleansing.

    He that toucheth the dead body of any man shall be unclean seven days.
    --Num. xix. 11.

  3. Morally impure. ``Adultery of the heart, consisting of inordinate and unclean affections.''
    --Perkins. [1913 Webster] -- Un*clean"ly, adv. -- Un*clean"ness, n.

    Unclean animals (Script.), those which the Israelites were forbidden to use for food.

    Unclean spirit (Script.), a wicked spirit; a demon.
    --Mark i. 27.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

Old English unclænnes; see unclean + -ness.


n. 1 (context uncountable English) The state of being unclean 2 (context countable English) The result or product of being unclean.


n. the state of being unsanitary [syn: dirtiness] [ant: cleanness]

Usage examples of "uncleanness".

Venial offenses, in the passage quoted, denote the irregularities or uncleannesses which men contracted in accordance with the Law.

BentAnat yesterday morning committed a heavy sin, and that in all the temples in the land the Gods shall be entreated with offerings to take her uncleanness from her.

They come of lusts which obsess the interiors of the mind, from these flow into the body, and excite uncleannesses there which titillate the fibers.

Therefore, he sins more deeply by receiving it with sin, which is spiritual uncleanness, upon his soul.

He took her hand, but the strangest feeling of uncleanness possessed him at the first touch of her and he quickly released it.

Bent-Anat must be purged of her uncleanness, and if the weak superior of the temple of Anion absolves her, she may pass for purified over there, where they live for this world only, but not here, where it is our duty to prepare the soul for death.

Is it not proved by his love of so many vain and hurtful things, which produces gnawing cares, disquiet, griefs, fears, wild joys, quarrels, lawsuits, wars, treasons, angers, hatreds, deceit, flattery, fraud, theft, robbery, perfidy, pride, ambition, envy, murders, parricides, cruelty, ferocity, wickedness, luxury, insolence, impudence, shamelessness, fornications, adulteries, incests, and the numberless uncleannesses and unnatural acts of both sexes, which it is shameful so much as to mention.

The odor of the outfit was disgusting, but this man's double life had brought him so frequently in contact with all forms of uncleanness, including that of the Far East, compared with which the dirt of the West is hygienic, that he suffered it without complaint.

Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

For among the works of the flesh which he said were manifest, and which he cited for condemnation, we find not only those which concern the pleasure of the flesh, as fornications, uncleanness, lasciviousness, drunkenness, revellings, but also those which, though they be remote from fleshly pleasure, reveal the vices of the soul.

The priests went into the inner part of the house of the LORD to cleanse it, and they brought out all the uncleanness that they found in the temple of the LORD into the court of the house of the LORD.

Whence, also, they have compelled their worshippers, with terrible commands, to dedicate to them the uncleanness of the fabulous theology, to put them among their solemnities, and reckon them among divine things.

By the iniquity of their life they abandon that very righteousness of life which Christ is to them, whether it be by fornication, or by perpetrating in their body the other uncleannesses which the apostle would not so much as mention, or by a dissolute luxury, or by doing any one of those things of which he says, "They who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

All the uncleannesses of civilization, once past their use, fall into this trench of truth, where the immense social sliding ends.