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n. The state of being unclean or dirty.

  1. n. the habit of neglecting cleanliness [ant: cleanliness]

  2. lack of cleanly habits [ant: cleanliness]

Usage examples of "uncleanliness".

Feebleness of the constitution, impoverishment of the blood, a scrofulous diathesis, want of exercise, uncleanliness, tight lacing, disappointment, excessive excitement of the passions, the use of pessaries for displacement of the uterus, overwork, and taking cold, all predispose the cervical membrane to chronic ulceration.

It is frequently occasioned by uncleanliness, intemperance, the use of unwholesome food, or by an impure atmosphere.

Among others, deranged menstruation, prolonged nursing of children, pregnancy, abortions, excessive indulgence in sexual intercourse, uncleanliness, piles, uterine ulcers, and displacement of the womb, are the most common.

The proper tone possesses eight qualities: clarity, wonder, remoteness, sadness, eloquence, manliness, softness, and extensibility, but the tone will suffer under any of six conditions: bitter cold, extreme heat, strong wind, heavy storm, noisy thunder, or swirling snow, and the Wen-Wu lute must never be played under any of seven circumstances: mourning the dead, simultaneous playing with orchestra, preoccupation with worldly matters, uncleanliness of body, untidiness of costume, failure to burn incense in advance, and lack of an appreciative audience.

And as for the matter of the alleged uncleanliness of our business, ye shall soon be initiated into certain facts hitherto pretty generally unknown, and which, upon the whole, will triumphantly plant the sperm whale-ship at least among the cleanliest things of this tidy earth.

In the slough of uncleanliness wallows The he-goat, and revels the hog.

Nowhere else on the Gem Planet can you experience uncleanliness in such joyous profusion.

The influence of uncleanliness in this way is so well known that it is needless to preach about it here.

Her words were true, but there was a sense of uncleanliness about them, for she could not but say that she approved of the manner in which the guitar had dealt with Carl Taylor.

The torment of the ill-fitting, chafing hide, the incessantly-repeated small rasping wounds, the ooze of blood, the flayed soles of his feet, attached to the fur by court-plaster, the heat, the suffocation, the vile uncleanliness, had reached what he had thought the unendurable point ten days, two hundred miles, ago, in the torrid waste of the Causse du Palan.

And as for the matter of the alleged uncleanliness of our business, ye shall soon be initiated into certain facts hitherto pretty generally unknown, and which, upon the whole, will triumphantly plant the sperm whaleship at least among the cleanliest things of this tidy earth.

It was for this reason that they expelled from society, and even punished corporeally those who were infected with distempers produced by uncleanliness.

His extraordinary smell came not only from his habitual uncleanliness, but also from a nervous glandular disorder he could not control.

The streets of Magdala are any where from three to six feet wide, and reeking with uncleanliness.