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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Unchastity \Un*chas"ti*ty\, n. The quality or state of being unchaste; lewdness; incontinence.


n. The quality or state of being unchaste; lewdness; sexual impropriety.

Usage examples of "unchastity".

As we shall see, also, unchastity of the mind is a violation of natural law as well as of moral law, and is visited with physical punishment commensurate to the transgression.

Indeed, it may with truth be said that the devices of modern cookery are most powerful allies of unchastity and licentiousness.

He commits openly the most uncouth acts, if he does not manifest the most indecent unchastity of manner.

It also occurs in those addicted to mental unchastity, though they may be physically continent.

Publius Clodius laid charges of unchastity, and in a community which on the whole abhorred the death penalty for crimes, even against the State, this was the one crime which still carried an automatic death penalty.

Neither had ever recovered from the stigma of alleged unchastity, which meant they clung together and led very sequestered lives.

Over twenty years ago, aged eighteen, he had charged the beautiful young Vestal Virgin Fabia with unchastity, a crime punishable by death.

Who can execute me for unchastity, though I cannot reproach him for having sex with other womenor men!

If anyone thinks that Christians regard unchastity as the supreme vice, he is quite wrong.

But one fault is not mended by adding another: unchastity is not improved by adding perjury.

In all the books and pamphlets I have searched about the Jesuits in Paraguay, both friendly and unfriendly to the Order, I have never found a charge of personal unchastity advanced against a Jesuit.

For if any of the miracles of their gods are great, certainly that is a great one which Varro mentions of a vestal virgin, who, when she was endangered by a false accusation of unchastity, filled a sieve with water from the Tiber, and carried it to her judges without any part of it leaking.