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Crossword clues for unchastened


a. Not chastened or rebuked.


adj. not subjected to reproof or rebuke [syn: unadmonished, unrebuked, unreproved]

Usage examples of "unchastened".

Bat wings, scales, tails and talons sprouted and faded, receded and flowed, unchastened by the cries and curses of the writhing mage.

The new deputy defense secretary saw Saddam as unchastened by his Gulf War defeat and a supporter of terrorism.

He finds the charm in such hazards in their utter irrelevancy, and truly they can only be excused as flowing from a wild and unchastened fancy.

He would send the mother out of the room, and he and the nurse together would coerce the little unchastened savage.

He could not show so much love for His creatures, by leaving them unchastened, untried, undisciplined.