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a. Not charred.

Usage examples of "uncharred".

Melbah snapped her fingers and the piece on the floor became uncharred painted wood.

The attic is uncharred and filled with sunlight, the mattress is a queen-size box spring, and the young coeds know just which buttons to push.

The branch lay just as it had when Will first came down the Alley: grey, uncharred, cold, as if no part of it had ever been touched by spark or flame.

Elaborate golden lamps stood in the hallways, wicks uncharred, but she could smell the perfumed oil in them.

Will first came down the Alley: grey, uncharred, cold, as if no part of it had ever been touched by spark or flame.

On two new brass andirons in the center of the big fireplace were two small, uncharred logs crossed at an angle of 45 degrees.

It flew through the Threads faster than the other two dragons and drew a great cheer, which changed into a puzzled noise as more and more people noticed one uncharred Thread slithering to the ground.

He shivered, remembering the slashing, clawing thing chewing its way up his arm, and looked again down at the uncharred shirt sleeve, the uninjured flesh beneath, and the unburned wood of the chair in which he sat.

Myral studied the two forms-the mostly charred one and the partly uncharred one.