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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ It was summer and despite the uncharacteristic chill in the air, the tourists were swarming the beaches.
▪ With uncharacteristic modesty, Will explained his contribution to the development of the film medium.
▪ But there was a brief and uncharacteristic pause before he continued.
▪ For a couple of minutes she gave in to another uncharacteristic fit of temper.
▪ It was just that it was so uncharacteristic of her.
▪ It was summer and despite the uncharacteristic chill in the air, the tourists were swarming the beaches.
▪ Not only is he facing an uncertain future, he is being forced to behave in an uncharacteristic fashion every day.
▪ Was the news of financial reversal enough to explain his uncharacteristic outburst?
▪ Whatever it was, it was uncharacteristic.
▪ When the polls closed on election night, Democratic headquarters had an uncharacteristic tension.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1753, from un- (1) "not" + characteristic (adj.). Related: Uncharacteristically.\n\n


a. 1 Not characteristic 2 Out of character; behavior that is unusual for a given person or thing.


adj. distinctive and not typical; "a book uncharacteristic of its author" [syn: uncharacteristic of] [ant: characteristic]

Usage examples of "uncharacteristic".

Edward sat sprawled in an overstuffed armchair before the fire in the most lavish and most costly suite of rooms in the Clarendon, the same rooms, claimed Peart in uncharacteristic awe, that were always requested by a certain Russian archduchess whenever she came to London.

Despite their strictness and my best efforts, however, when Proxenus left Aedon began exhibiting an uncharacteristic wild streak, intent upon demonstrating his independence.

In his new role as a heroin trafficker, Ruggiero exhibited an uncharacteristic wariness.

Apprehension warred with a sudden, iron determination to find out what that precious pair were up to, but I locked the warning away in the back of my mind, dimly thinking how Aiten would have mocked such uncharacteristic behavior but dismissing the notion.

And anyway, the new script, while it called for violence and other behavior uncharacteristic of the Amish, was at least devoid of exploitive sex.

Karrde countered, an uncharacteristic touch of bitterness seeping into his voice and mood.

Then in an uncharacteristic show of affection for Gabriel Deerhorn, he bent to place his cheek against hers.

Both he and Lehmann stared at Wyatt, astonished by the sudden hardness in his face, the uncharacteristic violence of the gesture.

Impossible to interpret this profoundly uncharacteristic behavior as in any way an expression of lightheartedness, of celebration or of joy.

But as the teams meet on the field for brief conference, their heads bowing then in the mandatory prayer and exercises of reemission, as he feels an uncharacteristic excitement begin to spread through him, working its way from thighs which seem to blend into his loins with a kind of mutual, aqueous excitement Scop wonders if this is quite the truth.

It is with uncharacteristic hesitation that he opens the door to the pub. Tamsin and her friends are seated at the same table.

It knows a moment of utterly uncharacteristic panic when at first nothing happens it is like pushing against a brick wall.

Bruenor demanded, his axe slapping nervously against his hand, belying uncharacteristic impatience from the veteran fighter.

I thank my parents, Ruth and Ray Hogan, for their encouragement and uncharacteristic experimentation with frozen White Castles in Florida.

The other clerics of House DeVir glanced nervously at the matron's uncharacteristic slip of words, looking for con firmation.