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adv. In a way that cannot be vary, or change#Verb.


adv. in an unalterable and unchangeable manner; "his views were unchangeably fixed" [syn: unalterably, unassailably, immutably]

Usage examples of "unchangeably".

For that before all times, and above all times, Thy only-begotten Son remaineth unchangeably co-eternal with Thee.

But when he discovers and can say anything of these, let him not then think that he has discovered that which is above these Unchangeable, which Is unchangeably, and Knows unchangeably, and Wills unchangeably.

For altogether as Thou art, Thou only knowest, Who art unchangeably, and knowest unchangeably, and wiliest unchangeably.

But what she could see of his face remained as unchangeably calm as did that other's.

Forever, unchangeably dead, and what did he do, other than be in a car that drove away from a killing scene at a controlled, smooth pace?