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a. Not catchable; that cannot be catch.

Usage examples of "uncatchable".

Trent the Uncatchable, the last day he had ever spent on Earth, before beginning what newsdancers had called the Long Run.

The voice of the AI who had once been the Image of Trent the Uncatchable issued from the speaker in the handheld.

Jimmy Ramirez, had broken Trent the Uncatchable out of the PKF Detention Center in the center of Capitol City.

Trent the Uncatchable, though this is suspect information that has not been verified.

Trent the Uncatchable is the greatest Player in the System, and I tend to believe it.

Trent the Uncatchable was in fact Trent Castanaveras, I researched his short life to a degree that perhaps even DataWatch could not have matched.

She was seen dancing with Trent at a club in the basement of the Red Line Hotel, was seen many different times at Kandel Microlectrics Sales and Repair, where Trent the Uncatchable worked prior to his arrest by the PKF I knew who she had to be: Denice, the daughter of Carl Castanaveras and Jany McConnell.

You must assume, Mister Obodi, that the PKF DataWatch, the Bureau of Biotech, Trent the Uncatchable, his old image Ralf the Wise and Powerful, EX.

I for one would hate to try and search through the InfoNet for someone Trent the Uncatchable was trying to hide.

Trent the Uncatchable was Johnny Johnny, his Image was named Ralf the Wise and Powerful.

Image of Trent the Uncatchable paused briefly, considered his options.

Trent the Uncatchable, in the year 2076 Gregorian, happens to be one of them.

Trent the Uncatchable, in years to come when you are not to be found in the Continuing Time, that you were the living incarnation of God, of the Creator of all things, of that which sent the Envoy among the Serathin.

If you are merely a thief, Trent the Uncatchable, we will never meet again.

Neil Corona spoke to Trent that Trent the Uncatchable died, and rose again, and then vanished from the Continuing Time, perhaps forever.