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a. Not carpeted.


adj. not carpeted; "bare uncarpeted floors" [ant: carpeted]

Usage examples of "uncarpeted".

Although his moccasined feet made no sound on the uncarpeted floor, his movements seemed to annoy the elder of two officers who, in handsome uniforms, occupied a window-seat at one side of the room, and were evidently waiting for somebody or something as patiently as their natures would permit.

The room was low, slanting on one side, unpapered, uncarpeted, and only lighted by two little dormer-windows, which did their best to admit pure daylight in spite of the dark gingham curtains so trimly hung before them.

He saw a broad chamber, the polished stone walls untapestried, the mosaic floor uncarpeted.

He plunged out into a broad corridor whose uncarpeted floor and untapestried walls were of polished jade, and something long and swift whisked down the corridor ahead of him, and into a curtained door.

She stopped in the shadows, well away from the pale parallelogram of streetlight thrown carelessly across the uncarpeted floor.

The backstairs were dark and uncarpeted, and then they were in an alleyway which led to Clarges Street and thence to Piccadilly.

The floor was an uncarpeted expanse of breadnut timber that shone like a tabletop and faintly perfumed the room with its orange polish.

Candle stubs of diverse length and hue glittered fitfully from every available surface, including the seat of the Exercycle, the top of the dead television, and each precarious stack of new CDs rising like terraced stalagmites at obstacle course intervals across the hard uncarpeted floor.

There was a long table under the windows, covered with reports and despatches and parliamentary papers, and a desk of red African teak in the centre of the uncarpeted stone floor.

The Indian took us along an uncarpeted corridor, with a polished boarded floor, and then into an ante-room, sparsely furnished with English-looking antiques and a broken celestial globe.

The others hastened after him, to take advantage of the light, and a moment later their footsteps, clattering down the uncarpeted stairs, resounded through the deserted house.