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a. Not captured.

Usage examples of "uncaptured".

It seemed that Napoleon still lived, Paris was uncaptured, and so the war went on.

If any of them remain alive and uncaptured when the Marines arrive, they will be too demoralized to give the Marines any aid.

He was rather tired with writing, and had a mind to snare some of the yet uncaptured flock of her sympathies.

This imagined scene speaks of security and wood smoke and encrusted sunlight, and oh, I think, those swarming, uncaptured moments were stolen from me, snatched away by a mismatch of the primal timeline.

But I had to do it and be done with it and maybe this was the best way, to obliterate the memory by mocking it, no power at all, spilling seed into the uncaptured light.

Only between five and ten remained uncaptured, and some of those were no doubt wounded.

North, south, east, and west the tale was ever the same, but so long as Botha, De la Rey, Steyn, and De Wet remained uncaptured, the embers might still at any instant leap into a flame.

Expelled from its own solar system by that cataclysm, it had wandered between the stars for a quarter of the life of the universe, uncaptured by any other gravity well but subtly affected by all it passed anywhere near.

He would sink each time the rope looped toward him, to bob up a few feet away uncaptured and grinning.

Amid rain and mist the British columns were pushing rapidly forwards, but still the burghers held together, and still their artillery was uncaptured.

Emil Jacques Guirlande was a murderer by trade, a killer uncaptured and unsuspected, a quiet-mannered man who avoided attention, but who had by the age of thirty-seven successfully assassinated sixteen targets comprising seven businessmen, eight wives and one child.