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adv. In an uncanny manner.


adv. in an uncanny manner; "uncannily human robots"

Usage examples of "uncannily".

Their eyes, so uncannily inhuman in a face so like to human form, examined Adica, Alain, and the Akka woman before they sank down to the ground, legs folded under them.

The mutilator had either been uncannily lucky so far, or pretty damn smart.

Uncannily rapid for all the wall-eye, for all the glasses of rosso coming out of his armpits.

Pyrrhas, shuddering at the sound of his own voice, which whispered drearily and uncannily through the unechoing darkness.

The one-eyed woman shook her head, and uncannily, Zelde seemed to understand her mouthings.

She was uncannily serene, and that chilled his anger to a qualmish dissatisfaction.

At first it sounded uncannily like the whistle of a teakettle on a hot burner.

He lifted his eyes, and his look, uncannily impassive, unresenting, unangered, dogged, caused the messenger to drop his gaze as though he had hit a man who was down.

Indeed, he answered, For your appearance and the circumstances of your arrival are almost uncannily the realizations of one of our most ancient prophesies, one which we have longed to have fulfilled.

By the time Crandall and Reese finished inspecting the third storeroom, it was obvious that Bolin’s information was uncannily accurate.

The Mayan observatory in Chich n Itz and some of those weird crystal lenses were uncannily modern in many ways.

This is probably also the place to mention Hal's older brother Mario's khaki-colored skin, an odd dead gray-green that in its corticate texture and together with his atrophic in-curled arms and arachnodactylism gave him, particularly from a middle-distance, an almost uncannily reptilian/ dinosaurian look.

It seemed colder up here as well-and the wind was certainly stronger, moaning softly through the trees in a way that sounded uncannily human, and doing nothing for her confidence level.

Andrew Loeb has become a red, comet-shaped disturbance in the stream, marked by a single arm thrust out of the water, a French cuff that is still uncannily white, a cuff link shaped like a little honey bee, and a spindly fist gripping the huge knife.

Stained and blotched with weather and patched with coarse brown and butternut fustians, the dull purples and greens of Antryg's coat and cloak seemed to blend uncannily with the fog as he moved away.