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a. Not burned.


adj. having not undergone oxidation; "unburned powder" [ant: burned]

Usage examples of "unburned".

Their mouths were dry from biting into the cartridges, their lips were flecked with unburned powder, and sweat had carved clean rivulets down their faces which were blackened by the smoke and smuts from the powder exploding in their musket pans.

Her own people believed that while even a single bone remained unburned, the soul was trapped, but here were hundreds, thousands of bones.

He shivered, remembering the slashing, clawing thing chewing its way up his arm, and looked again down at the uncharred shirt sleeve, the uninjured flesh beneath, and the unburned wood of the chair in which he sat.

There must have been at least thirty of the wolves, and the five figures that they saw reclining, silent and motionless, against the unburned portion of the house might well have been those of the dead and scalped, whom they had found in such numbers everywhere.

When the soldier moved on, the unburned remnants blobbed themselves up and began sliming off in all directions.

Monica Mountainway went down it in swinging curves, crossing and recrossing the demarcation line between the burned and the unburned.

Up and up we mounted through the grounds, a few unburned persons in rags of uniform still discernible at random, as the lantern swung past them: a musician in blue, a fantassin in scarlet, three domestics of the palace in red-and-orange.

The fireplace was crammed with unburned wax milk cartons, candy bar wrappers, newspapers from the underground press, and kitty litter.

Many evenings he and Starhawk spent up in Moggin's rooms, the three low-raftered lofts in the heart of the unburned section of the Armory which had once been Starhawk's.

Whatever horror she'd dreaded she would see, she discovered - exhaling sharply, reprieved - that she was staring at the corpse's unburned left leg and foot.

She turned the next-to-last photograph and again exhaled, reprieved, viewing the corpse's unburned right leg and foot.

But JR, with hands unblistered, face unburned, had taken Bucklin with him and made his way topside immediately before the takehold, leaving A deck matters, including the assembly area breakdown, to Lyra.

March had come in more lamb than lion, there were windflowers in the woods, and the first primroses, unburned by frost, undashed and unmired by further rain, were just opening.

It seemed a petty miracle they'd survived the rebellion unsuffocated and unburned.

For the first summer in living memory crops went untrampled, cot-iages unburned.