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  1. Not braced. v

  2. (en-past of: unbrace)


adj. without braces or props

Usage examples of "unbraced".

He unbraced successively each of six minus one braced trouser buttons, arranged in pairs, of which one incomplete.

Lance was somewhere repairing damages and cleaning up, where unsecured items had smashed into walls, or unbraced chairs made wreckage of themselves.

Lifting his lamp, he saw that a section of the arch had fallen, leaving a jagged, unbraced hole behind.

This one was severe enough to send sparks flying from several consoles and knock two momentarily unbraced specialists to the deck.

Competing to deliver odorous fertilizer to the garden boats, they regularly sped down unbraced passages at risk of being crushed between the rocking, bobbing hulls.

She went back like an unbraced kickbag, right into the arms of the man with the stolen gun.

Modesty unbraced the bow, collapsed it, and slid it back into the pocket down the seam of her slacks.

It moved from the state house, with two unbraced drums, through the principal streets.