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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Unbow \Un*bow"\, v. t. [1st pref. un- + bow.] To unbend. [R.]


vb. To unbend.

Usage examples of "unbow".

Bloody but unbowed, Caine returns to Ankhar very few minutes from now, for a final desperate attempt to his wife from the horrors of amplitude decay.

Using his one good arm and his scarred but unbowed tail, Faraerth pointed to the battle-ravaged stump on his right side.

Owen stood triumphant amidst a pile of the dead and the dying, bleeding from countless wounds but still unbowed, laughing as he watched the surviving mercenaries turn and run rather than face him.

In the saddle, he rode unbowed, as though he had gained new strength and the weariness of the journey could no longer touch him.

The unbowed young hero was in the middle, trussed hand and foot with nets, thongs and chains, and behind him was a rabble of youths, tugging at him, hitting him and mocking him.

It is the breakdown of this regime or the rise of new and as yet unbowed adversaries that leads to the reactive use of force.

He sat upright, a giant whose frame was utterly unbowed with the eighty and more years weighing on it.

Bloodied but unbowed, he went to the library to pick up some books on Judaism.

They knelt before him, a ragged but defiant looking crew, half naked, sweating profusely in the heat, but unbowed by his appraisal.

I was beaten, bloody, and certainly not unbowed, but there was work to do.

The face, though seamed and wind-darkened, still was handsome and the unbowed, muscular body bore the scars of a warrior.