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Crossword clues for unblocked

  1. Not blocked v

  2. (past participle of unblock English)

Usage examples of "unblocked".

But his nostrils were still unblocked, though barely, the advancing salt having been held back by the moisture breathed out by his lungs.

Far below, serving robot six was wearing tread as, with the way now clear, it made a hasty rush for the unblocked portal.

Bain turned an unbecoming shade of green, and with a gargle like a drain coming finally unblocked, leant over the cauldron and was copiously sick within.

Jedi senses, had penetrated his Jedi powers, and had launched a sudden, undetected, and unblocked attack.

If I wanted the drain unblocked I would have to go and pull out the plug.

The way it had come was the only direction unblocked by their long bodies.