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a. Not having been blighted.

Usage examples of "unblighted".

Perhaps the wind from Goshen brought the smell of unblighted pastures.

In unblighted sunlight the carnelians and agates, amethysts and citrines that decorated its sides would have twinkled brightly.

I should still have my unblighted self to turn to: my natural unenslaved feelings with which to communicate in moments of loneliness.

And so he tore himself from the window of this fascinating place, where, he fancied, had his education been differently managed, he could in time have shown the world the spectacle of a cheerful and unblighted Mr.

The cruel discrepancies this time stood exposed, a self-damning truth, that with unblighted mage talent, he would have-set wardings.

In unblighted sunlight the carnelians and agates, amethysts and citrines that decorated its sides would have twinkled brightly.