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a. Not beautiful; ugly or inelegant.


Unbeautiful is the debut album of Lesley Roy. It was released on September 30, 2008 by Religion Music in her native Ireland, and Jive Records elsewhere.

Usage examples of "unbeautiful".

The mother was dressed as her kind are wont to be on Sunday morning--that is to say, not dressed at all, but hung about with coarse garments, her hair in unbeautiful disarray.

He was a slender, weazened man, nervous, irritable, high-strung, and anaemic--a typical child of the gutter, with unbeautiful twisted features, small-eyed, with face and mouth perpetually and feverishly hungry, brutish in a cat-like way, stamped to the core with degeneracy.

And bring three of our friends, who are to carry with them those unbeautiful crowbars and blowlamps used by burglars.

Varley, Maines and Garfield wielded the unbeautiful implements of the burgling profession.

She stood for a moment while she gave her fare to the cabman, and Katy looked as one who might not look again, and carried away a distinct picture of the unbeautiful, interesting, remarkable face.

Of lovely helplessness, entreated him Not to desert her, like the faithless world, For these unbeautiful and barbarous gods, Or she would never cease her prayers to Jove, Until he took from her the heavy curse Of immortality.

Techotl, and the women were equally dark and strange-eyed, though not unbeautiful in a weird dark way.

High cheekbones -- when it was very cold, the skin over them grew taut and bluish and cracked painfully -- gave the planes of which her face was constructed a reassuring balance which was scarcely disturbed by her diminutive but not unbeautiful or comical nose, which though small was very well shaped.

In solemn ritual, Will and James looped their Christmas stockings over their bedposts: precious, unbeautiful brown stockings of a thick, soft stuff, worn by their mother in some unimaginably distant time and misshapen now by years of service as Christmas holdalls.

But the cities, like their starships, were functional and unbeautiful because they had been built by and for the comfort and use of beings without any appreciation of beauty, and whose animal needs were satisfied by food, warmth, and regular satisfaction of the urge to procreate.

They are right about one thing: the unbeautiful among us constitute a majority.

And your unbeautiful General MacArthur taught us Japanese that in a democracy the majority vote is the deciding vote.

He wished the peaks were grey and unbeautiful, so that she should not get her support from them.

Into San Marcial the unbeautiful, with its vista of unpainted shanties and lurid dives.

He was not to be disappointed because it was unbeautiful, unclever, uncharming.