Crossword clues for unbathed
a. Not bathed; unwashed.
Usage examples of "unbathed".
Nothing quite so unpleasant as unbathed feet — perhaps we had better have a servant in here to deal with them now.
Hand-to-mouth odd-job existence, demonstrations, pot, dirty pad, unbathed girls, the works.
Fortunately, Batu had grown accustomed to the odor of unbathed soldiers on the trail.
He was either crowded too close to other unbathed men, smelling their stink, or he was all by himself, holding down some watch-post in the middle of the night, hoping that the quiet rustle he heard out in the forest was just another deer, and not some Tsurani sneaking up on him, and wishing for a dozen friendly swords clustered around him.
Gray, having spent awkward hours-that-felt-like-days and days-that-felt-like-weeks with both of Bear's parents several times while on leave, found it hard to imagine Bear's slight, delicate mother engaged in a sweaty coupling with some unbathed peasantbut, then again, Gray had found it difficult to imagine the baroness coupling with her always elegantly attired, aristocratic husband.