a. Not baptized.
adj. not having undergone the Christian ritual of baptism [syn: unbaptised] [ant: baptized]
Usage examples of "unbaptized".
So that two unbaptized persons may baptize one another, one baptizing the other and being afterwards baptized by him: and each would receive not only the sacrament but also the reality of the sacrament.
If, however, they were to pronounce the words absolutely at the same time, and dipped or sprinkled the man together, they should be punished for baptizing in an improper manner, but not for rebaptizing: because each would intend to baptize an unbaptized person, and each, so far as he is concerned, would baptize.
Yetholm the gipsies have an idea that it is unlucky to have unbaptized children in their houses.
The witch had Elizabeth strip naked and anoint her body with an unguent made from the fat of unbaptized babies.
PUTNAM: Reverend Parris, I have laid seven babies unbaptized in the earth.
It has grave-mold from the tomb of an unbaptized infant mixed with the blood from the menses of a virgin sacrifice.
She departed this world, however, with a smile on her face, no doubt her last thought being that she would soon be united with the one of her flesh who had preceded her by four years into heaven, if indeed it can be said that the unbaptized, even if innocent children, ever can enter the Kingdom, a matter on which you, Brother, are better qualified to opine than am I.
Crusader to do battle in--for the sake of an unbaptized dog, to combat one of his own holy faith!
But he affects faith, and honour, and generosity, as if it were for an unbaptized dog like him to practise the virtuous bearing of a Christian knight.
Conversion and taxation always went hand-in-hand, and therefore Indians who, unbaptized, brought nothing to the treasury, having received the Gospel truths, were taxed so much a head to show them that from thenceforth they were Christians.
I to yours, and bespattering that unbaptized visage with his Christian bridle foam, pulled up his charger on his haunches, thus!
And is it not enough for you, senors, to load yourselves with the wedge of Achan, and partake his doom, but you must make these hapless heathens the victims of your greed and cruelty, and forestall for them on earth those torments which may await their unbaptized souls hereafter?
Solomon would stoop to all the foul, disgusting nonsense involved in the Mass, the ruined church, the black host, the water from the well in which an unbaptized infant has been drowned and all the rest.
Or bathed in the blood of unbaptized infants, or desecrated in some other terrible way.
So, too, will children who were conceived on one of the great Church festivals, as well as those who die unbaptized or apostate.