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a. 1 Not having been banked. 2 Not served by a bank.


The unbanked are adults who do not have their own bank accounts. Along with the underbanked, they may rely on alternative financial services for their financial needs, where these are available.

Usage examples of "unbanked".

With a silent prayer, he swung onto it, picking up speed, screeching and bouncing around the unbanked curves and over the steep hills, muttering apologies to Annie every time the car gave a sickening lurch sideways.

She turned back around as Train careened through an unbanked curve, once again throwing up gravel all over the place.

Borabay unbanked the fire, piled in fresh sticks, and put a pot on to boil.

That power had hung round him like unbanked fire, all the time he had sat beside the brook, while he had spoken and made jokes with the boy.

They passed through the kitchens, the fires burned down to unbanked embers, untended for the first time in memory, crowding through the door after him, surrounding him at the postern gate.

Had the hearth fire gone unbanked and flared into her room, slashing midnight with its heat?