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Crossword clues for unbagged

  1. Not bagged v

  2. (en-past of: unbag)

Usage examples of "unbagged".

There was no way they could have avoided seeing the shocking sight within the copter—a tousled man, an unconscious official, an unbagged woman and a monster worm.

She could choke down a talking alien worm, a pseudo minister, and sacrilege—but an unbagged woman was beyond her tolerance.

Her golden hair, her unbagged form, her smile—I wanted to photograph it all in my memory.

Whatever Soviet troops were still unbagged within the pocket would not dare draw attention to themselves.

She unbagged the body and placed the primate on the table where she hosed it down, sluicing away vomit and filth, grateful that the water was triple-filtered at least so its color wasn’t black but a shade of watery ash.