a. Not awakened; sleeping; unconscious; unaware.
adj. not aroused or activated; "unawakened emotions" [ant: awakened]
still asleep
Usage examples of "unawakened".
Danilo Syrtis-Ardais most likely had to do with his ability to catalyze unawakened talents.
At night the unawakened hive-mind that was New York was as close to somnolent as possible, and the Etheric Currents could be more easily manipulated.
Shakespeare himself--how long they slept unawakened, though they were in broad daylight and on the public thoroughfares all the time.
With eyes the shrines of unawakened thought, And brows as bright as Spring or Morning, ere Dark time had there its evil legend wrought In characters of cloud which wither not.
Finally, they retreat beyond our ken into the repose - the inorganic kingdom - of as yet unawakened interest.
What he offered was a tacit permission to explore my lustiness, unawakened until then.
But Istvana had explained that her feelings of unease around Danilo Syrtis-Ardais most likely had to do with his ability to catalyze unawakened talents.
Self will be to remain unawakened in most of its human disguises, and so bring the drama of life on earth to its close in a vast explosion.
She seemed quite unawakened, and yet there was something about Lord Henry March night which obviously stirred her, and it clearly both intrigued and frightened her.
She was well aware that Guard thought her naive and unawakened but so what?
There was no going back now, no way she could wipe out what had happened and return to her safe, unawakened state.
Then there were many white steps, and at the bottom, one of those stone bowls in which they kept alight the symbol of the Unawakened, the symbol which was Karrakaz.
She was twenty-one and unawakened, but that the men about her should long allow her to remain so was as unlikely as that a pirate-crew would leave treasure unfought for.
Curyll flying over a Beltane bonfire brought a fierce ache to my unawakened womb.
We have been taught to regard Africa as a dark, stolid continent, unawakened, unvisited by the agencies and influences that have transformed the world from age to age.