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a. Not avowable.

Usage examples of "unavowable".

But under smirk and wig and tiara is the body with its unsharable physiological processes, is the psyche with its insights and sudden graces, its abysmal imbecilities and its unavowable desires.

And once again — as on that evening at Leyden — she fell almost to hating him, angered that such a man should be nothing better than a knave, a mercenary rogue paid to lend a hand in unavowable deeds.

She had been his helpmeet in many unavowable extravagances, in the days when he was still striving after a brilliant position in town.

There were so many unavowable pleasures these days, which required a human cloak to cover the identity of the real transgressor, that people like Master and Mistress Endicott prospered vastly.

Over the sea it hung heavy and dank like a huge sheet of gray thrown over things secret and unavowable.

The breeze itself was lulled and the fog gathered itself together and wrapped the unavowable horrors of the night in a gray and ghoul-like shroud.