The Collaborative International Dictionary
Unappropriate \Un`ap*pro"pri*ate\, a. [Pref. un- not + appropriate, a.]
Inappropriate; unsuitable.
Not appropriated.
--Bp. Warburton.
Unappropriate \Un`ap*pro"pri*ate\, v. t. [1st pref. un- +
appropriate, v. t.]
To take from private possession; to restore to the possession
or right of all; as, to unappropriate a monopoly. [R.]
1 Inappropriate; unsuitable. 2 (context obsolete English) Not appropriated. v
(context transitive English) To take from private possession; to restore to the possession or right of all.
Unappropriate is the third studio album by Michael Carr's comedy character Buddy Goode. It was officially released both digitally and on CD in stores on 17 August 2012.
The album won an ARIA Award in the category of Best Comedy Release at the 2012 ceremony.
Usage examples of "unappropriate".
I had thrown about twenty choice lumps without effect, and was feeling somewhat discouraged, when a yell, followed by language singularly unappropriate to the season, told me that Providence had aided my arm.
This is vastly convenient, for whenever an enterprising islander chooses to emigrate a few hundred yards from the place where he was born, all he has to do in order to establish himself in some new locality, is to select one of the many unappropriated pi-pis, and without further ceremony pitch his bamboo tent upon it.
The bold steps he had taken to provision Fort Surnter, to call out the militia, to resist secession, to spend great sums of unappropriated moneyseemed to lose all force or meaning as the local citizens packed their belongings, nailed shut the doors to their homes and commercial establishments, and ran.
In whist there are some men you always prefer to have on your left hand, and I take it that this intuitive essayist, who is so alert to seize the few remaining unappropriated ideas and analogies in the world, is one of them.
They declare that the unconditional abolition of slavery, in a country abounding in unappropriated lands, where men may squat without being disturbed, means simply the confiscation of three hundred millions sterling, the value of the slaves, in the first place, and the abandonment and destruction of the entire planting interest, in the second.
Isabel spent part of it in shopping, for she had found some small sums of money and certain odd corners in her trunks still unappropriated, and the handsome stores on the Rue Fabrique were very tempting.
Fleda tried to think of some of the things at Poynton still unappropriated, but her memory was a blank about them, and in trying to focus the old combinations she saw again nothing but gaps and scars, a vacancy that gathered at moments into something worse.
Black and White and talked about dividend equalisation reserves, unappropriated profits, and contingent liabilities: none of which I found in the least bit interesting.
Claims could be filed on 320 acres of land, providing it was nonirrigable, unreserved, and unappropriated, and contained no marketable timber.
King, in consideration of the old friendship which subsisted between your father and himself, in youthful days, before political strifes divided them, has granted that the estate yet unappropriated shall be restored to you, on two conditions, one of which is already fulfilled--your marriage with an English Protestant gentleman, and the other, which doubtless you will fulfil, residence in this country, and obedience to the laws.
There was plenty of land unappropriated in the colony, but very much of it was bad land and in unfavourable situations.
Nevertheless, while some of his honorable colleagues were paying attention to an unoccupied and unappropriated island on the surface of the seas, Mr.
Manager Boutwell, more ambitious, had discovered an untenanted and unappropriated region in the skies reserved, he would have us think, in the final counsels of the Almighty as the place of punishment for convicted and deposed American Presidents.
A sensible man is the usual, but unappropriated phrase, for every degree in the scale of understanding, from the sober mortal, who obtains it by his decent demeanor and solid dullness, to him whose talents qualify him to rank with a Bacon, a Harris, or a Johnson.
The islanders acquiesced in the decision with stolid patience, but, undeterred by the consequent insecurity of tenure, settled as squatters in the unappropriated lands.