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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Unappalled \Un`ap*palled"\, a. Not appalled; not frightened; dauntless; undaunted.


a. Not appalled or frightened; undaunted.

Usage examples of "unappalled".

But the Scottish knight, who had stood the lion-anger of Richard, was unappalled at the tigerlike mood of the chafed Saracen.

His magnanimity and courage, even whilst surrounded by the most threatening dangers, and the unappalled expression of countenance with which he defied the dart of death, endeared him to the robbers: whilst with him they all asserted that they felt, as it were, instinctively impelled to deeds of horror and danger, which, otherwise, must have remained unattempted even by the boldest.

Wolfstein--when turning round, and starting in agonized frenzy from his chair, Ginotti himself--Ginotti--from whose terrific gaze never had he turned unappalled, stood in cool and fearless contempt before him!

Light canoes sometimes venture down this fatal gulf, to avoid the portage, unappalled by the warning crosses which overhang the brink, the mournful records of former failures.

The thickset roan gelding could not have been mistaken by the most ignorant urbanite for a fiery steed, but Miles adored him, for his dark and liquid eye, his wide velvet nose, his phlegmatic disposition equally unappalled by rushing streams or screaming aircars, but most of all for his exquisite dressage-trained responsiveness.