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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Nobody, and least of all S. O. Letterman, expects me to come back with answers to unanswerable questions.
▪ However, it was no use pondering on unanswerable questions.
▪ And yet he knew that Anne would find such an answer to her unanswerable question inadequate and unsatisfying.
▪ This hint of planning poses as yet unanswerable questions about the early impetus towards urban development.
▪ She glanced down, dusting the dirt from the pebble off her hands, wondering how to answer such an unanswerable question.
unanswerable criminal charges
▪ Being unanswerable, it suggests that the terms of the discussion are wrong.
▪ But when she arrived on the fine white sand of the cove the question was still there, unanswered and unanswerable.
▪ However, it was no use pondering on unanswerable questions.
▪ Nobody, and least of all S. O. Letterman, expects me to come back with answers to unanswerable questions.
▪ One last problem remains, but is probably unanswerable.
▪ The path of the law is, as Megarry J. stated, strewn with examples of unanswerable charges which were completely answered.
▪ There were so many questions - all unanswerable.
▪ This book provides an unanswerable riposte to such nostalgic nonsense.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Unanswerable \Un*an"swer*a*ble\, a. Not answerable; irrefutable; conclusive; decisive; as, he have an unanswerable argument. -- Un*an"swer*a*ble*ness, n. -- Un*an"swer*a*bly, adv.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1610s, "admitting of no answer," from un- (1) "not" + answerable.


a. 1 Not answerable; impossible to answer. 2 Impossible to dispute or rebut; irrefutable; conclusive. n. Something that cannot be answered.


adj. impossible to answer; "an unanswerable argument"

Usage examples of "unanswerable".

Nothing, it should seem, could weaken the force or destroy the effect of so unanswerable a justification, unless it were the injudicious conduct of the apologists themselves, who betrayed the common cause of religion, to gratify their devout hatred to the domestic enemies of the church.

To this remark Panda made no answer, perhaps because it was unanswerable, even in a land where it was customary to kill the supposed wizard first and inquire as to his actual guilt afterwards, or not at all.

Why do they happen to me, these numb, flushed, unanswerable, these pornographic things?

Thankful for a distraction to take her mind off what was probably just one of those unanswerable little quandaries that life sometimes handed out, she tossed it on the table and went to answer the door.

This paper, with all the circumstances of its discovery and communication, was pretended to be equivalent to two witnesses, and to be an unanswerable proof of those pernicious counsels of Strafford which tended to the subversion of the laws and constitution.

For although I think, as before shown, that in strict reasoning a theist might have taken exception to the last-quoted passage from Mill in its connection with the law of causation, that passage, if considered in the present connection, is certainly unanswerable.

At the same time I admit, that as against the Darwinian view, many of them seem quite unanswerable.

Brooks Robinson came to the plate, and had to step out because the noise still surged over Ebbets like an unanswerable tide, until Swoboda, hands planted firmly on hips, touched his cap in acknowledgment.

She was saved from replying to this unanswerable question by a slight fracas between the dogs.

The Chilean painter, Roberto Matta, one of the last of the surrealists, asked this as yet unanswerable question.

Various bodies combed through the fragments of data from the time bridge incident, trying to answer the unanswerable.

If that reason does not strike you as a cogent one, I am sorry, for to me it appears unanswerable.

There is one document in the possession of the Government which seems to me to be unanswerable proof, both of the settled policy of the Richmond Government towards the Union prisoners, and of the relative merits of Northern and Southern treatment of captives.

Have not our sages looked upon these little suns and recognized them as the spirits of our glorious ancestors, he asked with the certitude of one who poses the unanswerable question.

With the couvade, the practice of circumcision, unity of religious beliefs and customs, folk-lore, and alphabetical signs, language and flood legends, we array together a mass of unanswerable proofs of prehistoric identity of race.