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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Unanimous \U*nan"i*mous\, a. [L. unanimus, unanimus; unus one + animus mind: cf. F. unanime. See Unit, and Animate.]

  1. Being of one mind; agreeing in opinion, design, or determination; consentient; not discordant or dissentient; harmonious; as, the assembly was unanimous; the members of the council were unanimous. ``Both in one faith unanimous.''

  2. Formed with unanimity; indicating unanimity; having the agreement and consent of all; agreed upon without the opposition or contradiction of any; as, a unanimous opinion; a unanimous vote. [1913 Webster] -- U*nan"i*mous*ly, adv. -- U*nan"i*mous*ness, n.


n. The state or condition of being unanimous.