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vb. To reverse a previous alteration

Usage examples of "unalter".

Generation melted into generation in changĀ­ing tides over a world population that seemed unaltering in its by now age-old uniforms of George Blue.

Or had they perhaps taken few hard records with them in their haste and suffered some kind of stress-induced amnesia such that they arrived not knowing who they were or where they had come from, thus dooming themselves to launch again into an endless, unaltering cycle?

But in the next instant, the black hunter wheeled in flight and glided north in an unaltering line, receding steadily into the horizon until it was lost from their sight.

They went over the crest and down the other side, the slap-slap-slap of their feet together and their breathing an unaltering rhythm: suck blow, suck blow.

That unaltering moon that had been such a relief to Ayyar's eyes on his first journey across that sinister jungle was gone.