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  1. not affiliated, not associated v

  2. (en-past of: unaffiliate)


adj. not affiliated

Unaffiliated (New Jersey)

Unaffiliated is a status for registered voters in New Jersey. Those voters who do not specify a political party affiliation when they register to vote are listed as unaffiliated.

New Jersey is a closed primary state. This means that only voters who affiliate with a political party may vote in that party's candidate selection process (i.e., the primary election). However, unaffiliated voters may declare their party affiliation up to and including the day of the primary election. Unaffiliated status does not affect participation in general elections.

Affiliated voters may change their status to unaffiliated or to another political party if they wish, although any such change must be filed with the state 55 days before the primary election.


Unaffiliated, meaning a lack of affiliation, may refer to:

  • Unaffiliated (New Jersey), a status for registered voters in New Jersey
  • Independent (politician) or unaffiliated politician
  • Independent (voter) or unaffiliated voter

Usage examples of "unaffiliated".

Without Bulaybub to persuade the unaffiliated tribes to accept him as supreme leader, he would need a general, a war chief, an enforcer at the least.

The Council and lonejacks, the unaffiliated Talents, had been sparring for generations.

The whole point of being unaffiliated, a lonejack, was to not have to worry about anyone but yourself.

Nikki, an unaffiliated sexual mystic, believed that love was the manifestation of the hereafter into the here and now, and that each time you made love, you did so literally -- the rubbing of genitals warming the earth with the fires of heaven -- as well as enlarged your future space in eternity.

Open to anyone, regardless of creed, and unaffiliated to any religion.

Lincoln and I represent a private organization, unaffiliated with any of the major superpowers, that keeps a watchful eye on world events.

Kindred from as far away as New York and Atlanta and had proved handy in recruiting unaffiliated vampires.

Dance Macabre attracted unaffiliated vampires to his banner, it served a twofold purpose.

Policy Institute, Washington, Hansen interprets the memos to mean that some US and Canadian authorities, supposedly acting as objective, unaffiliated scientists, were in fact working in cahoots with Monsanto as advocates for the producer.

I have met eco-warriors who are completely unaffiliated, though, some quite well educated and no less determined.

His station is the only one in town unaffiliated with either newspaper.

Collegia are pretty careful about who they accept for training, and anyone in Grays has been Chosen by a Companion, but the unaffiliated students have no selection criteria applied to them.

It was there that she learned why Sherrill had warned her not to confront the unaffiliated students alone.

They were in an unaffiliated language that showed many similarities with what had been pieced together of the Beothuk Language Isolate.

Nikki, an unaffiliated sexual mystic, believed that love was the manifestation of the hereafter into the here and now, and that each time you made love, you did so literally -- the rubbing of genitals warming the earth with the fires of heaven -- as well as enlarged your future space in eternity.