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unabridged dictionary

n. a dictionary that is claimed to be complete

Usage examples of "unabridged dictionary".

For the purpose, I had an unabridged dictionary spread out on my desk, for I couldnt very well make up the derivations, nor could I rely on my memory to present them to me in all correct detail.

For the purpose, I had an unabridged dictionary spread out on my desk, for I couldn’.

Qwilleran emptied his suitcases, lined up his books in the open cupboard, put the cats' blue cushion on top of the refrigerator-their favorite perch - and drew their attention to the new location of the unabridged dictionary which served as their scratching pad.

In the old days they had invented a game with the unabridged dictionary, which amused them both.

For example, he would take the unabridged dictionary and, tearing out a page each day, would read it through religiously on his way back and forth from the office.

He carried his two suitcases upstairs, and piled his writing materials on the desk in the library, including his ancient typewriter and a thirteen-pound unabridged dictionary with a tattered cover.

The Random House unabridged dictionary offers one hundred and seventy-eight options, beginning with “.