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a. Of or pertaining to an umbra.


Umbral is derived from the Latin umbra, meaning " shadow". It is also the Spanish word for "threshold", and sometimes used as a surname in that language.

Umbral may refer to:

  • Umbral calculus
  • Umbra
  • Francisco Umbral
  • Umbra (World of Darkness)
  • Umbral (Spiritism)

Usage examples of "umbral".

The tall smell of the sea was in the east wind, and red butterflies tottered in the umbral air.

After twenty-five minutes more, they emerged from the umbral cone of the planet, and sunlight splashed brilliantly into the control room.

The landlady seated them in an oak-paneled dining room not too far from the window with its umbral scape of trees and winter night.

The black spot was at the center of the visible disk, which now showed several dark umbral regions surrounded by gray penumbrals.

A tendril of energy flowed past her like white silk, arcing up through the Umbral sky from somewhere in the city and then down to somewhere just behind her.

In the spirit world, the machine did not exist, and he simply found himself sitting by the side of the Umbral street, sucking in his breath against the pain of the Paradox that stepping sideways had caused.

While he was safe here from the eyes of the authorities, and the New World Order would not have had time yet to install Umbral cameras, Pig would certainly be watching for him.

He streaked across the lawn of the Umbral mansion in a fraction of a second.