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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Ulocentra stigmaea

Speck \Speck\, n. [OE. spekke, AS. specca; cf. LG. spaak.]

  1. A small discolored place in or on anything, or a small place of a color different from that of the main substance; a spot; a stain; a blemish; as, a speck on paper or loth; specks of decay in fruit. ``Gray sand, with black specks.''

  2. A very small thing; a particle; a mite; as, specks of dust; he has not a speck of money.

    Many bright specks bubble up along the blue Egean.

  3. (Zo["o]l.) A small etheostomoid fish ( Ulocentra stigm[ae]a) common in the Eastern United States.