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n. A person who studies UFOs.

Usage examples of "ufologist".

Although he had followed this route as a ufologist several times in the past without being bothered by the Army, he had never done so in the company of an extraterrestrial.

Remo, Chiun and ufologist Arthur Ford tore back through the desert gates of Fort Joy.

Screwing up his courage, the ufologist climbed out of the Army vehicle.

The ufologist was not a disciple of Salvion, but at least he was a believer.

Over the course of the past hour, the ufologist had brought all of the remaining batteries inside.

He shoved the ufologist roughly, knocking him into the side of his rusted truck.

Chiun grabbed the ufologist by the shoulders, holding him at an annoyed distance.

A pioneer ufologist, Gray had made many outstanding contributions to the subject.

Italian ufologist, Alberto Fenoglio, reported rumours of a similar disappearance in the Soviet Union in 1961.

England, but in 1973 two leading British ufologists, Brinsley Le Poer Trench and J.

On several occasions I did find that some of these card-carrying ufologists had warned witnesses to report only to them.

What seeems clear in the seventies is that the true ufologists have parted company with the crackpots.

In reply to this, ufologists charge that the Ministry does not make enough effort to investigate the really mysterious UFOs and certainly does not use enough imagination in doing so.

The ufologists have churned out scores of books based on the premise that spacemen visited Earth and gave mankind a helping hand in those distant days.

Masonic movement is looked upon with some suspicion by the various buff groups, the ufologists delight in pointing out that most of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence were Masons, as was Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon religion, Masonic lore has found its way into many of our governmental symbols and institutions, including the Great Seal of The United States which bears the slogan.