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n. the Mayan calendar of 260 days

Usage examples of "tzolkin".

Part of it was that Dad introduced me to a Mayan man who understood the Tzolkin -- the sacred calendar -- far better than I did.

Mayan system of dating, this day would be assigned a number and a day name in the tzolkin, or sacred almanac, a different number and a different day name in the haab, or vague year.

I decided that today was Oc in the tzolkin or sacred almanac, the fourth day of Cumku, the last month in the haab or vague year.

The tzolkin and the haab are part of a system of interlocking cycles, known to modern Mayanists as the Calendar Round.

After much calculation, checking, and rechecking, I decided that today was Oc in the tzolkin or sacred almanac, the fourth day of Cumku, the last month in the haab or vague year.