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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Tythe \Tythe\, n. See Tithe.


n. (obsolete spelling of tithe English)

Usage examples of "tythe".

Separatists have attacked a Republic garrison base on Tythe, and occupied the planet.

Council was able to convince Palpatine of the need to retake Tythe, and he has authorized a full battle group to divert there.

It sounds to me as if the recapture of Tythe could prove very important toward ending the war.

There was little the Confederacy or the Republic could add to the damage LiMerge Power had inflicted on Tythe generations earlier.

Pinwheeling before his eyes, Tythe was a kaleidoscopic furor of white and brown, smeared occasionally with striations of blue-green.

Also like Naboo, Tythe had once mined plasma in sufficient quantities to ship offworld.

Attempt to recall Jedi from Belderone, Tythe, and other worlds, he will.

Should any ships among the Republic battle group at Tythe plot his escape course, it would appear that Nelvaan was his destination.

Now I would not treat a Norman so, but I am set to wring a tythe for William from this weary land.

This was sent to William who had his treasurers account it, remove a double tythe and return the rest to Wulfgar.

The Right of Tythes in Moses Law, could not be applyed to the then Ministers of the Gospell.

There was yet no mention of Tythes: but such was in the time of Constantine, and his Sons, the affection of Christians to their Pastors, as Ammianus Marcellinus saith (describing the sedition of Damasus and Vrsicinus about the Bishopricke,) that it was worth their contention, in that the Bishops of those times by the liberality of their flock, and especially of Matrons, lived splendidly, were carryed in Coaches, and were sumptuous in their fare and apparell.