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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Tyrannic \Ty*ran"nic\ (?; 277), Tyrannical \Ty*ran"nic*al\, a. Of or pertaining to a tyrant; suiting a tyrant; unjustly severe in government; absolute; imperious; despotic; cruel; arbitrary; as, a tyrannical prince; a tyrannical master; tyrannical government. ``A power tyrannical.''

Our sects a more tyrannic power assume.

The oppressor ruled tyrannic where he durst.
--Pope. [1913 Webster] -- Ty*ran"nic*al*ly, adv. -- Ty*ran"nic*al*ness, .


adv. In a tyrannical manner

Usage examples of "tyrannically".

But, if the political principles of the great man who has now departed were not always reconcilable with the opinions and demands of modern advancement, they were at least consistent in themselves, were never extravagantly pressed, never tyrannically promoted, and never obstinately maintained to the hindrance of the government or the damage of the state.

CHAPTER VIII Spirits and Narcotics, Inebriety, Amnesia RELENTLESS as is the grip which the drug habit holds on its mortal victims, the power of narcotics extends even more tyrannically beyond the grave.