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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Typographic \Ty`po*graph"ic\ (?; 277), Typographical \Ty`po*graph"ic*al\ (?; 277), a. [Cf. F. typographique.]

  1. Of or pertaining to the act or act of representing by types or symbols; emblematic; figurative; typical. [Obs.]

  2. Of or pertaining to typography or printing; as, the typographic art. [1913 Webster] -- Ty`po*graph"ic*al*ly, adv.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"pertaining to typography," 1590s, from typography + -ical. Related: Typographically.


a. 1 Pertaining to typography or printing. 2 Produced by typography; printed.


adj. relating to or occurring or used in typography; "the typographic art"; "a typographical error" [syn: typographic]


Usage examples of "typographical".

Sticklers never read a book without a pencil at hand, to correct the typographical errors.

With this typographical revolution and this multicoloured variety in the letters I mean to redouble the expressive force of words.

Above all, though, a revolution in typographical spacing occurred so quietly that very few people noticed.

Excepting a few verbal alterations, and the correction of a few typographical errors, there is no difference between this edition and the first.

We have a notable example of this in the boycott which the Typographical Society has proclaimed against The Dawn.

The Dawn office gives whole or partial employment to about ten women, working either on this journal or in the printing business, and the fact that women are earning an honest living in a business hitherto monopolised by men, is the reason why the Typographical Association, and all the affiliated societies it can influence, have resolved to boycott The Dawn.

The ersatz text, though containing some strikeovers and various typographical errors, was in basically fluent and intelligible Latin and described in vivid, erotic detail an imagined homosexual encounter involving the Blesses Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene.

They formed the Daughters of St, Crispin, and succeeded in getting the Cigarmakers Union and the National Typographical Union to admit women for the first time.

The Typographical Union said it liked the idea of annexing more territory because English-language schools in those areas would help the printing trade.

Literary, Artistic, Historical, Topographical, Typographical, and Antiquarian Reminiscences connected with the early Printing and Engraving of Banbury involved that of many other important towns and counties of Great Britain, and also America.

Mrs Edith Little had completed her self-imposed nightly task of marking the typographical errors in The Bellman and was knitting on a sweater for little Earl.

Presumably there are godlike Unix hackers somewhere in the world who don't need to use these little scripts and options files as crutches, and who can simply pound out fantastically complex command lines without making typographical errors and without having to spend hours flipping through documentation.

In correcting a typographical error, all the redundant elements lie in plain view, ready for use.

In fact he had sent an order correcting a typographical error concerning .

I assumed there had been a typographical error on the part of whoever placed the reservation.