Crossword clues for typic
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Typic \Typ"ic\, a.
Typical. ``Typic shades.''
a. typical
adj. being or serving as an illustration of a type; "the free discussion that is emblematic of democracy"; "an action exemplary of his conduct"; [syn: emblematic, exemplary]
Usage examples of "typic".
Likely, the typic one of them, (standing, no doubt, for hundreds, thousands,) crawls aside to some bush-clump, or ferny tuft, on receiving his death-shot -- there, sheltering a little while, soaking roots, grass and soil with red blood -- the battle advances, retreats, flits from the scene, sweeps by -- and there, haply with pain and suffering, (yet less, far less, than is supposed,) the last lethargy winds like a serpent round him -- the eyes glaze in death -- none recks -- Perhaps the burial-squads, in truce, a week afterwards, search not the secluded spot -- And there, at last, the Bravest Soldier crumbles in the soil of mother earth, unburied and unknown.