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  1. (context of text English) Set in type. v

  2. 1 (context transitive English) to set or compose written material into type 2 (context intransitive English) to be set or composed into type

  1. v. set in type; "My book will be typeset nicely"

  2. [also: typesetting]

Usage examples of "typeset".

The manufacturing processes conform to the environmental regulations of the country of origin ISBN 0 434 01009 X Typeset by SX Composing DTP, Rayleigh, Essex Printed and bound in Great Britain by Clays Ltd, St.

Edgars showed them several sheets of typeset printing with the title in a large, bold font: A Conversation in First Port on 8 August 1887.

Rowland Photo typeset ling Limited Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk 73980446171 Made and printed in Great Britain by Caledonian International Book Manufacturing Ltd, Glasgow CHAPTER ONE men's Surgical was quiet--there had been two emergency admissions before midnight.

Hands out the assignments, typeset, pasteup, takes the mechanicals to the printer in [69] Misky Bay, does the labels and mailing, distribution, fills in on some local stories if he’s got time.

Any Harper apprentice who had had to do his hours in the Archives Hall blessed the introduction of printing presses, but there must be a trick to finding all the mistakes that could creep into typeset lines.