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a. Having two wheels; birotate.


adj. of or relating to vehicles with two wheels; "a two-wheeled cart" [syn: two-wheel]

Usage examples of "two-wheeled".

As we were getting into Carillano, I saw one of the two-wheeled carriages, locally called mantice, two horses were being put into it, while my carriage required four.

On the riverbank a hundred yards away lay his little fleet of coracles with their cargoes, and a big, new two-wheeled wagon.

As the inventor of this delightful two-wheeled, self-propelled scooter describes it, the Segway vehicle moves by the rider thinking it forward or backward -- not unlike walking -- all without falling.

Slow-moving travelers were frequently blown off the road by wildmen in leather jackets and white scarves, two-wheeled human torpedoes defying all speed limits and heedless of their own safety.

I am actually writing this editorial with my rack-mounted iPaq handheld while speeding down the sidewalk at the maximum 12 MPH on my little Segway, scattering dogwalkers and joggers as I go, moving this beautiful two-wheeled cart merely by tipping my body slightly forward -- or "intending forward" -- which leaves my hands, and eyes, free to pen this important memo.

Boot marks left by whoever had trundled a two-wheeled portable microwave dish out of this improbable setting.

Rees Ralph Llewellyn, the nearest general practitioner, then told Mizen to secure an ambulance, which in those days meant a two-wheeled wagon long enough to hold a stretcher.

The driver and his assistant went inside to get a two-wheeled hand truck.

The bus was edging toward the curb, I beckoned to Kate, and we got off directly in front of a two-wheeled hansom cab parked just short of the corner.

The old pony meandered along placidly and the clopping of her hooves and the creaking of the two-wheeled cart made an odd sort of music.

Tara tried to excuse herself, but Michael was so close to tears that she relented and they all rode out together, with the servants and the picnic baskets following them in the little two-wheeled dog cart.

Jube trudged along with one hand on his battered old porkpie hat, while the other pulled the two-wheeled wire cart over the cracked sidewalk.

And, funniest of all, was the high, two-wheeled caleche, with one seat, and top thrown back, with long thills and poor horse.