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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Two-lipped \Two"-lipped`\, a.

  1. Having two lips.

  2. (Bot.) Divided in such a manner as to resemble the two lips when the mouth is more or less open; bilabiate.


a. 1 Having two lips. 2 (context botany English) divided so that segments resemble the two lips when the mouth is more or less open; bilabiate.

Usage examples of "two-lipped".

The flowers are placed three or four together in the axils of the upper leaves, which often have a purplish tint and are two-lipped, of a bright purplish blue, with small white spots on the lower lip, or more rarely white or pink and open early in April.

They have whitish flowers, with a two-lipped calyx, and also contain a volatile oil, which has similar properties to the Wild Marjoram.