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n. (context mathematics physics English) Any of the complex-valued coordinates in ''twistor theory'', which maps the geometric objects of conventional 3+1 space-time into geometric objects in a four-dimensional space, ''twistor space'', with metric signature (2,2), a proposed path to a theory of quantum gravity.


Twistor may refer to:

  • Twistor correspondence
  • Twistor memory
  • Twistor space
  • Twistor string theory
  • Twistor theory
  • Twistor (book), 1989 novel
Twistor (book)

Twistor (1989) is a hard science fiction novel by physicist and science fiction writer John G. Cramer. The novel was first published in hardcover by William Morrow in 1989, then in mass market paperback by Avon Books in 1991. It was reprinted by Avon Books in 1997 with slight revisions. It is currently out of print but can be ordered through selected booksellers.

Usage examples of "twistor".

Two twistor combinations produce electrons, three can create protons and neutrons, die building blocks of atomic nuclei.

Since Stevenson has not yet mastered the use of the twistor effect, he describes doing things in a way that cannot be accused of small thinking.

If I don't question your spinors and twistors and calibration of optical scalars, you shouldn't second guess me on Anna Griss.

Instead, he retreated as usual into his private world of tensors and twistors, and despite my own respectable scientific background I couldn't follow him there.