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a. that twinkles


adj. smiling with happiness or optimism; "Come to my arms, my beamish boy!"- Lewis Carroll; "a room of smiling faces"; "a round red twinkly Santa Claus" [syn: beamish, smiling(a)]

Usage examples of "twinkly".

She exchanged a twinkly look with Saturn: having a bit of harmless fun baiting the gager.

Precious or no, the stones were bright and twinkly and varicoloured, and proudly worn.

Stacy looking at all the twinklies, the spin spirals and pinwheels and other decorations.

With his fingertips he finds an especially sore spot just to the left of the third cervical vertebra, and he presses on it until the pain causes faint sprays of twinkly white and gray lights in the blackness behind his eyelids, like distant fireworks in a world without color.

What he looked like more than anything else was somebody's grandfather-white, muttonchop whiskers, twinkly sky-blue eyes under feather white eyebrows, apple red cheeks.