vb. (present participle of twink English)
Twinking is a type of behavior in role-playing games. A player who engages in such behavior is known as a twink. The precise definition of twinking varies depending on the variety of role-playing game. In "pen and paper" role-playing games, a twink is often synonymous with a munchkin. In MUDs, a twink is a player who is variously anything from a munchkin to a newbie to a griefer. In MMORPGs, twinking refers to a character gaining equipment with the assistance of a higher level character, particularly by giving said low level character higher level equipment that is otherwise unattainable, or the process of keeping a video game character at a low level while using in-game currency, earned by a high level character, to provide it with superior equipment.
Usage examples of "twinking".
His blaster leaped out of its scabbard, flaming destruction as it came–a ravening tongue of incandescent fury which licked out of existence in the twinking of an eye the Bergenholms' control panels and the operators clustered before it.
It glinted for a moment in the candlelight and made a tiny twinking sound when it hit the floor.