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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Tussah \Tus"sah\ Tusseh \Tus"seh\(t[u^]s"s[.a]), n. [Also tussa, tussar, tusser, tussur, etc.] [Prob. fr. Hind. tasar a shuttle, Skr. tasara, trasar

  1. ] An undomesticated East Indian silkworn ( Anther[ae]a mylitta), that feeds on the leaves of the oak and other plants.


n. (alternative form of tussore English)


n. oriental moth that produces brownish silk [syn: tusseh, tussur, tussore, tusser, Antheraea mylitta]

Usage examples of "tussah".

It, along with a morning gown of tussah silk, had been put together for just such an emergency as that faced by Julia.

The easy slide of his fingers on the tussah silk of her fitted bodice was more distracting than she had expected.

I went into one of the attics and scruffed around, discovering some lengths of black tussah silk, probably left over from Grandma's time.

His attire consisted of a pearl-embroidered coat, trousers of white tussah silk, and an elaborately embroidered turban.