Crossword clues for turnverein
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Turnverein \Turn"ve*rein`\, n. [G., from turnen to exercise + verein a union.] A company or association of gymnasts and athletes.
n. A company or association of gymnasts and athletes.
n. a club of tumblers or gymnasts
Usage examples of "turnverein".
When he went to the Turnverein, it was to hear the old tongue, to sing the old songs.
When she came home, we would have tea and biscuits and then go to the Jewish turnverein to exercise -- she danced and swung Indian clubs, and I took up no-contact boxing.
After the turnverein, we would go to the baths, and after that we would go home to read or play chess.
But the Germans in Holstein were very loud in their abuse of the Danes and the Danes in Schleswig made a great ado of their Danishness, and all Europe was discussing the problem and German Mannerchors and Turnvereins listened to sentimental speeches about the ``lost brethren'' and the different chancelleries were trying to discover what it was all about, when Prussia mobilised her armies to ``save the lost provinces.